experts professional




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1·Based on the experts professional knowledge, the national planning and management of digital information resources has its blind spots.
2·All the experts agree that having a passion for your product and a professional approach to your business should be at the heart of any direct-selling enterprise.
3·She says it is important to have professional textbooks that are designed for children by educators, artists and environmental experts.
4·A recent study of future mobile phone services compared new product ideas from customers with those put forth by "internal" sources: professional developers and technology experts.
5·Because these changes make it much harder for the addict to control substance use, health experts recommend professional treatment and complete abstinence.
6·And people are using that, those same networks, to also find experts and to begin to build professional communities again spanning organizational boundaries.
7·External experts who advise who are required to provide a declaration of interests that details professional or financial interests that could compromise the impartiality of their advice.
8·The Idea Group, a publisher of technical academic books, is launching a series on Advice from Experts in an attempt to enter the corporate professional market.
在 Idea 集团,一个技术书籍的出版商正在准备进军全体专业人员市场,筹划一套“给专家的建议”这样一套系列书。
9·The experts at the Dale Carnegie Institute, which offers professional training services, advise that “recruiters like correspondence that is short and sweet.
提供专业培训服务的Dale Carnegie教育机构的专家建议,“面试官喜欢那种简短、温馨的回复。
10·Daniel Drezner says professional policy experts might feel deeper hostility.
Daniel Drezner说专业的政策专家们可能会感到更深的敌意。